Formed in 2007, Lakeland Instrumentation Limited is based in Grange over Sands, Cumbria. We serve a range of clients in the UK and Europe, producing specialist environmental control and monitoring equipment either as ‘turnkey’ designs or by integrating systems from other leaders in the field.
Lakeland Instrumentation Ltd is registered in England (Company number 6403424)
Our VAT registration number is GB 995 8685 28
After graduating from the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Martin joined the Freshwater Biological Association at its Windermere Laboratory in 1984. Organisational changes saw the Association’s scientific programme assumed first by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and latterly the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. He headed the Instrumentation Section throughout these changes from 1985 until leaving in 2004. During his 20 year career, he designed a number of innovative instruments in support of the Laboratory’s scientific programme. He was technical co-ordinator for several major European Union funded projects and undertook the electronic design of several generations of automated water quality monitoring station deployed in lakes and rivers. Some twenty such stations are in operation in the UK and across Europe.
Martin became self-employed in 2005 and launched Lakeland Instrumentation Ltd in 2007. The company has carried out work for several organisations in the UK, Germany, Ireland and Finland, but has ambitions to expand its customer base more widely in Europe.